Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I ♥ the White House Flickr

"President Barack Obama bends over so the son of a White House staff member can pat his head during a family visit to the Oval Office May 8, 2009. The youngster wanted to see if the President's haircut felt like his own." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

How amazing is this?

1. Inspiring role model moment to the MAX.
2. Obama is officially the most wonderful guy evar.
3. This photo was released by the white house, on the official flickr photo stream---talk about transparency--

White House Flickr

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Shoe love.

I don't think there is anything as chic as a smart pair of flats.

Here are some recent items of lust and/or disgust via a Zappos round up:

Gorgeous Sigerson Morrison nude patent leather with gunmetal beads. I've been on the hunt recently for a pair of camel flats to match the camel tote bag i've been sporting (an amazing thrift store find with Marisa in the Haight in SF over Thanksgiving). These are probably too fancy to match the aesthetic of the beat up tote, but they are beautiful. Down to $248 from $444 on zappos.com. Still not exactly recession pricing. It makes me sad that the almost across-the-board beautifully designed S.M. flats are still not affordable, even on discount websites. Wah wahh.

I'd like these Kate Spade moccasins a lot better if they didn't have that dumb bow.

I've been eyeing these Dolce & Gabbana violet flats for a while. Can't decide if I love them or hate them. I tend to think Dolce is kind of trashytrash looking, but I like the punchyness of these.

I know I just trash talked the Kate Spade bow, but I pretty much love the proportion of bow-to-shoe on these Tapeet flats. I never could resist a fuschia shoe (I may or may not be wearing some as we speak). But I would like them better if they weren't cut outs.

LOVE these Elie Taharis. Really would like a pair. They come in lots o' colors, as well as in a patent finish, but I really dig the gray suede.

And finally, these heinous Marc Jacobs. These are not whimsical, these are some rubber fugness that really disturb me.

Tha end.

Beer Review: Nautical Nut Brown Ale

So I'm always on the quest for the nuttiest beer I can find. There's something about a toasty aftertaste that drives me to great lengths.

Chose this one at Father's Office the other night after a long day: Nautical Nut Brown Ale by AleSmith Brewing Company. Has an off-white head, and smells amazing--very nutty--hazelnut. The taste was good but not nearly so much nut was present as a chocolate, toasty taste. Very smooth, and got better with warmth. Complex, well-balanced. A good brown ale, but heavy on toffee/caramel/chocolate flavors.

look: 4
smell: 5
taste: 4
feel: 4.5
drink: 4


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Etta James is pissed

...that Beyonce sang "At Last" for the Obama's first dance of the Inaugural Balls. I was pissed too. Beyonce did what she could with the song, but considering the epic and historic Etta James version, it seemed weird to me that Beyonce was allowed to yodel through it.

Etta told a concert audience in Seattle:

Etta told the audience, "You know, YOUR President, the one with the big ears-he ain’t my President–had that woman singing for him at his Inauguration. She’s going to get her ass whooped. How dare Beyonce sing MY song that I been singing forever. Now I’m going to sing it for y’all….”

if you wanna watch the video of Beyonce, click here.


"The Life of Jesus in Cats"

why does this exist? anybody?


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lolcat Tuesday!

I've been on a bit of a blogging hiatus---I'm losing my mind with opera rehearsals at the moment--all the more reason to blog the long hours away!

I don't usually like non-lolcatspeak in my lolcat pictures, but this one made me giggle.